Gale-force winds are expected to batter the south coast today and tomorrow – sparking fears that our brief summer could be over.

After a sun-kissed week of fair weather, rain and winds of up to 52mph are set to strike the county today and tomorrow.

Met Office experts are suggesting sun-seekers swap the deck chairs and sunshades for raincoats and umbrellas as a yellow weather warning urges caution in severe conditions.

The erratic weather is being blamed on the polar jet stream and warm air currents across the UK.

Lindsay Mears, spokeswoman at the Met Office, warned people to beware of flying debris like garden furniture, roof tiles and falling trees during the windy onslaught.

She said: “The conditions could potentially be quite hazardous. We’re expecting strong winds in excess of 50mph, plus rain, on Thursday.

“Friday looks like it could experience similar winds but the yellow weather warning could be eased by Saturday.

“After that, it’s too hard to tell whether we have seen the best of our summer. It’s a three-month-long season, so it’s hard to say.

“We are keeping our fingers crossed like everyone else. The jet streams could shift.”

Jet streams are belts of fast flowing and narrow air currents found in the atmosphere. The polar jet stream affects the UK and is usually further south in the winter and further north in the summer.

To the dismay of sun-lovers, it has been sitting further south than normal for this time of year, prompting fears the UK looks set to experience a wet summer.