A schoolgirl shared her first kiss with a married teacher in the classroom of the school where he taught maths.

The then-14-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told police officers in a recorded video interview from October 2012 that she kissed Jeremy Forrest in Bishop Bell School, Eastbourne, in May last year, Lewes Crown Court heard.

She said by July their relationship had moved on and they had sex in the spare room of the home he shared with his wife Emily in Broyleside Cottages, Ringmer.

The teen, who Forrest is accused of abducting and fleeing to France with, said: “I wanted to be intimate with him.”

But Forrest, 30, who denies the charges, was worried about the relationship and researched online the sentence he could face if he was caught, she said.

She told officers how he said to her at one point during their alleged affair: “I am going to get caught. I am never going to see you. I will be in prison."

She said: “He knew he could go to prison, lose his job and not work with children again.”

But in October last year, shortly after returning from France, the teenager said she did not think her relationship with Forrest was wrong.

She told an officer: “We knew we were going to get caught for something we did not think was wrong which was the most frustrating thing.

“We never wanted to run away [to France]. That was not our aim.”

She continued: “I never felt what me and Jeremy had done was wrong but I understand by law it is wrong.”

Discussing the age gap, she said: “Jeremy knew how old I was and I knew how old he was.

“It did not seem like a problem. Sometimes we had a sudden realisation like, ‘Oh my God’, but then we looked at the bigger picture, ‘We are in love’”.

Discussing why she liked Forrest, the girl said: “Boys in my year are all teenagers who I was not attracted to, but with Jeremy I was.”

She said she did not “dwell on the fact he was twice my age and a teacher”.

Discussing their first kiss, she said: “I do remember being in his room and it was just me and him. He said ‘I really want to kiss you’ and I said ‘I really want to’.

“It got to the point where there was only so much of a friendship you could have before it developed into something else.”

She went on: “It ended up being in his classroom”.

She also revealed they spent days out in Brighton and had sex in a car parked down a country lane in Hankham, near Eastbourne.

They would text one another pictures of themselves topless, she said.

When they were separated for the final time in France they mouthed the words “I love you” to one another, she said.

But she admitted it was not all plain sailing.

The girl said she rowed with Forrest.

While they were in France they argued over directions, culminating in him apologising in a letter which said: “Baby I’m sorry for being so moody with you, all the love in the world… adorable.”

She said they also argued over his relationship with his wife.

In an interview with Sussex Police in November the girl told Sussex Police officers that Forrest told her his wife was “quite violent and abusive”, did not text him, rarely stayed at home and that they were separated.

She said she initially believed this but grew increasingly suspicious after police told her Forrest had affairs with other people – this was not elaborated on – and was not separated from his wife.

She described how she looked at his wife’s pages on social networking sites and was surprised to see her call Forrest “my lovely husband”.

She described Forrest as a “really controlling boyfriend” who encouraged her to delete teenage boy’s numbers from her mobile phone and on one occasion forbid her from seeing a Brighton and Hove Albion match with a group of boys.

Forrest denies a count of child abduction and is remanded in custody.

The trial continues.