Four best friends are ambitiously planning to visit each of the 92 football clubs in the four professional divisions in England in the tiny window of just 92 hours.

Sean Denyer, store manager of Boots in Hassocks, is hoping to raise £3,000 to honour his companies’ long-standing partnership with the Macmillan Cancer Support charity.

Sean will be joined by his three closest friends, Emma Smeed, Paul Mansbridge and Sam Pattison, who will all share driving duties for the estimated 2,600 mile trip.

Mr Denyer told The Argus: “Cancer is a hugely significant issue for huge numbers of people and is particularly relevant to our group as sadly Emma’s mother passed away from lung cancer four years ago. We will be stopping at every club from Carlisle United in the north to Brighton & Hove Albion in the south.

“We are going to photograph ourselves in each stadium and share it onto our Twitter page as proof.”

The group, who have named themselves Ninety Two in 92, will be trying to accomplish their goal on Monday, October 14.

The squad is pleading for donations online on their JustGiving website: