Homeowners could be saving money on energy bills thanks to revolutionary eco-friendly houses.

A range of events showcasing the latest innovative money-saving ideas is being put on by Low Carbon Trust as part of the Department of Energy and Climate Change funded Green Deal Pioneer Places Project.

Among the events is an exhibition of six Green Deal type homes in this year’s Eco Open Houses.

Launched in February the Green Deal is a new way for householders to pay for energy saving household measures by removing the financial barriers of upfront costs, helping to make UK homes more warm and comfortable.

Mischa Hewitt, of Low Carbon Trust, said: “We have a great mix of homes open this year and the work we have done at the six Green Deal type homes in particular, will be highly relevant to many people.

“These homes show how a simple package of measures really transforms old leaky houses into comfortable, modernized dwellings, with much cheaper energy bills.”

To download a brochure about all of the Eco Open Houses and for more details visit www.ecoopenhouses.org.