Ofsted has just reported on Longhill High School.

As a reasonably engaged parent of two children in years 8 and 10, my (small) part in the recent process was “ticking boxes” in Ofsted’s new electronic parent survey despite only spotting in the 4pm email that this had to be done overnight before 10am the next morning.

“Luckily” for this purpose, I am – through Government cuts – unemployed, so find myself sitting online looking for work.

The system for obtaining a survey password was so convoluted and time-consuming I know it floored other parents who simply gave up.

I eventually managed to access the 12 questions seeking parents’ views, only to find they made no allowance for different children from the same family to have different feelings about their school. How daft is that? Probably as daft as the Ofsted report conclusion that Longhill school is going backwards.

What a joke that bureaucrats are paid to swan around demoralising and unsettling good and clearly improving schools.

I had 12 hours to spot and complete their paperless (but pointless) survey. After three weeks, I am still waiting for a reply from Ofsted to my email on my difficulties with their paying lip service to my opinions of my two children’s separate education experiences.

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