Roger’s Wildlife Rescue in Woodingdean had a very busy 2013.

We thought that, as many of the people who brought injured birds to us are readers of The Argus, we would let them know.

During the year, we saw 1,361 birds and more than 150 mammals with many injuries.

We managed to return 667 birds and more than 75 assorted mammals from badgers and foxes to wood mice (and even 30 hedgehogs, an animal in critical decline) fit and well to the wild again .

All this is helped by the many people who give us a donation towards our work with wildlife, for which we thank you very much.

Let’s hope 2014 will be a much kinder year all round for our wildlife which is under threat like never before from all angles.

Kindness to our wildlife, like charity, begins at home, so everyone can make a difference by making a New Year’s resolution to be wildlife-friendly.

This means much more tolerance towards creatures seen as a “problem”, such as foxes, badgers, herring gulls, etc, and definitely zero use of chemicals in the garden.

We will be here to help wildlife again. Fleur and I wish everyone a very happy, wildlife-friendly New Year.

Roger Musselle, Downs Valley Road, Woodingdean