There is a current saying in Brighton and Hove: "This council can't even run a bath without making a mess." And it seems to be true in the case of the actions and intentions of some members towards the Palmeira Project for autistic children that it wants to close.

This project, which caters for the most severely autistic children, has suffered from closure attempts before, putting the parents of these children under pressure, as well as staff. Children of this nature deserve appropriately trained staff, with 24- hour care, within their area, and cannot be moved at the whim of illinformed councillors at short notice.

Now we learn "Home under threat has funding slashed" (The Argus, December 14) and that the decision was not made through the proper channels via the appropriate scrutiny committee. Thank goodness for Councillors Keith Taylor and David Watkins who are demanding proper procedures and discussion.

In the meantime, staff and parents have had a worrying Christmas while caring for the children concerned, until it comes up on the council agenda in January 2007.

In truth, it seems Brighton and Hove City Council has not valued the innovative work done at Palmeira over eight years, in conjunction with National Children's Homes. If it had, and if there is no alternative to closure, it would have approached closure of such a home with greater care, and after proper consultation.

This is what we expect of elected members and paid officers regarding children's services.

  • Helen Waddup, Hovedene, Hove