Death and dying – the only things inevitable about life. But the prospect of the end is filled with fear and anxiety for many.

Sick! put together a board coming from a host of angles to discuss the topic in captivating ways.

Is death hidden from the world? Do we live in denial of the one thing which is certain? Do we view death as failure?

Is the medical profession’s battle to keep people alive and healthy ignoring the obvious truth that for everyone, at some point, the end is certain?

The evening started with a performance from Eva Meyer-Keller entitled Death Is Certain. She took a table of household appliances and sweet cherries – the protagonists – and silently end its existence in different ways.

The panel of “artists, health professionals and free-thinkers” sparred and provoked debate about human approach to death and dying.

How do we change people’s perceptions? Can it be done through art? Do the two go hand in hand or repel each other? Can more be done to make dying an easier process, and therefore eradicate peoples’ fears?

A thought-provoking evening with few answers but lots of questions and exploration.