So Councillor Pete West thinks it’s “fantastic” that the number of cars on our streets is now falling (The Argus, March 12).

Will he think it’s so fantastic when the Green-led council doesn’t get re-elected?

The way it has penalised motorists is appalling, the very same motorists who also vote.

Work and child commitments mean I require a car on a daily basis. Like most motorists, I have no other option – life is busy and time is at a premium.

When will these people get in the real world?

Perhaps the number of cars has fallen because many have disappeared down the numerous craters in the roads that remain unrepaired.

Joking aside, these holes may be damaging cars – I only hope it doesn’t take serious injury to a cyclist after hitting one for the council to spend some money on getting these repaired as a matter of urgency.

And 20mph markings are appearing everywhere overnight, which is not a problem, but the council should get its priorities right: repair and make safe the existing roads for all road-users first.

Mr K Allen, Nutley Avenue, Brighton