What an excellent suggestion by David Williams (Letters, March 12) for the scruffy old depot on the edge of Hove Park to be turned into council housing.

We have such a pressing need for homes for the most socially disadvantaged. This would be an excellent site and the flats going up at the opposite corner of the park show what could be achieved.

While council housing would be a good use for the depot, I hope that it becomes an option only if the school proposed for the site falls through.

As someone who lives near the park, I have tried to follow the ups and downs of the planned school with interest.

After all, we have a pressing need, too, for primary school places in Hove.

The school put its revised plans on show a few weeks back. It has obviously listened to the concerns raised by residents when they were first consulted.

The size of the building has been scaled down and the appearance has definitely been improved.

I was also interested in what Mr Williams had to say about Waitrose taking over the nearby Co-op in Nevill Road.

If neighbours are not campaigning against a commercial venture, which is expected to generate a considerable volume of traffic all day, how can they oppose a school?

Parents and children come and go during two brief windows. This is a school that doesn’t open until after the morning rush-hour and children leave before the evening jams.

It would be astonishing if Waitrose did not welcome those parents who want to park near the school.

And if the neighbours don’t want the school, let’s hope they welcome some long overdue council housing instead. The depot must be put to good use.

Freddie Long, Hove