It is common knowledge the National Health Service is not feeling well, thanks mainly to the antics of the Health Secretary, but I think it is shameful for the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust to bar doctors and nurses at the Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) from wearing ties and jewellery.

This restriction can only reduce further an already low morale.

As the nasty germ staphylococcus aureus is spread by human skin and hands, it would be more helpful if the trust restricted visitors to patients from kissing and shaking hands.

I know this is harsh but, surely, it is better for the patients to recover quickly without complications.

Regarding the hospital fight against MRSA, all visitors and out-patients should rub the special antiseptic cream on their hands.

On the subject of the RSCH, I should like to express my sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff for their kindness and efficiency in helping to keep me ticking over. God bless you all.

Roy V Hillard
Old Shoreham Road,