Conservative MP Ben Wallace has recently highlighted the delays and problems caused by the use of biometric iris scanning technology at Gatwick.

Brighton NO2ID believes this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Similar delays can be expected when you are required to use this technology to borrow a library book, claim your pension or benefits, purchase alcohol, hire a car, get a mortgage or use other local services.

The Government has made it clear it is seeking to require us either to show our ID card, or be validated through use of biometric technology in order to access any of these services.

This ID card scheme will make our country look more like a Big Brother police state than the free society generations of Britons have fought to create.

Many councils have now passed motions stating they will resist partaking in the national ID card scheme and its accompanying biometric technology.

The question is, when will ours?

James Elsdon-Baker, Brighton co-ordinator, NO2ID Regency Square, Brighton