WE are so lucky in Hove to have the amazing skate park at the lagoon but sometimes my skate-mad son wants to have fun and exercise closer to home after school.

We live on quite a busy road but the side streets and my parking space in a small car park behind my house are free so he takes his board to these areas.

I have been astounded by the amount of negative and rude comments that have been directed his way by our ‘neighbours’ when he has done absolutely nothing wrong.

He has been told to ‘go home’ on countless occasions – perhaps they would prefer he sat at home playing violent games on his Playstation all day?

His board makes no noise at all and he has been taught how to be respectful and aware of people around him.

He always jumps off if he sees anyone walking on the pavement and is very careful not to bump anyone’s property.

It seems to me that people are seeing the fact that he is a teen and judging him on that, assuming that he is trouble.

They are blind to the fact that he is a sweet, caring and kind boy – the boy who gets up early every day in all weathers to deliver their newspapers.

I just want to remind people to think before they judge. Our teens have a lot to offer. Be kind.

Lou Micu, Portslade