You reported that the council have approved plans to allow The Bilingual Primary School to develop a new building opposite Hove Park between the Droveway City Park and The Engineerium.

Your Report stated that the school will take 210 pupils this year, but then went on to say that it was intended to take 210 pupils every year until the numbers reach 2,850 pupils.

Did the council just give permission for a building for 210 pupils or 2,850 pupils?

Clearly the school will have to extend to take such numbers and the only way to do this is to take some of Hove Park.

Hove Park belongs to the people of Hove and it is not for the Brighton councillors to give this away to a private school or anyone else.

The council should make a categorical statement that under no circumstances will any part of Hove Park be given away or sold.

Clearly with Hove Park Upper School and Blatchington Mill School in close proximity a further school with 2,850 pupils will cause absolute congestion in this part of Hove.

No doubt the Bilingual School will require a playground for this number and a car park and the only space available is in Hove Park.

The Bilingual School is at present situated at Falmer and if it wishes to expand it should remain in Falmer where there is more space to expand and less traffic congestion.

B Bayliss,

Mornington Crescent,
