I write regarding your front page story "Gyratory out of Vogue" (The Argus, January 9).

The Lewes Road area is indeed in need of regeneration. Therefore, I cannot see how Brighton and Hove City Council's planning committee could ever justify building the nearby waste transfer site.

This will put even more stress on the area's infrastructure, with the largest lorries legally permitted on our roads passing through the area every six minutes, from six in the morning to ten at night, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

In an area with pollution already above safe levels, how can this be in keeping with regeneration?

I also pity the poor residents of Newhaven at the receiving end of the rubbish line - good luck to them in their fight against it.

The whole plan is so badly thought through. There were - and are - so many better options.

Tom Sydenham
Hollingdean Terrace, Brighton