A TOURIST on safari captured a pack of baby cheetahs using a jeep as a jungle gym.

Jim Varley, a solicitor from Billingshurst, whipped out his camera while on his annual trip to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya and managed to snap the shots.

The pack of eight-week-old cubs spent their playtime climbing all over the Land Cruiser with one even doing pull ups on the wheel arch.

Their mother observed from afar as the babies played for an hour and ran riot.

The 48-year-old said: “Baby cheetahs and other baby big cats are just bundles of fluff running around. They are used to vehicles.”

The driver of the vehicles was unable to get pictures and could not move with the pack surrounding him.

Mr Varley added: “Whenever anything like this happens I get shots, the guy inside the jeep was stuck so he was unlucky and could not take any pictures of them. I am very pleased with the series, particularly the shots with the interaction with the mother.”

To see more of Mr Varley’s portfolio go to www.jimvarley.co.uk/gallery.