Following the comments made by C Shickel (Argus, September 30) about parking controls in Preston Park, it is important to remember that the scheme was put in place by the council following requests from park users.

These local residents were concerned about the increase in commuter parking in the park, leaving no space for genuine park users. There were also concerns around safety, particularly for children.

Like any new parking scheme, it has taken a while for people to become familiar with the restrictions and, as a result, we will be adding clearer signs and barriers.

Income from parking controls is ring-fenced to the park and will be invested in improvements.

Overall, the scheme has been successful in controlling parking in and around Preston Park, but there are still people who flout the regulations, including some who have parked on the grass.

Unlike roads, parkland and grassed areas are not covered by traffic regulation orders and therefore offenders cannot be issued with parking tickets.

However, it is illegal under park bylaws and drivers can be prosecuted.

Fortunately, most responsible drivers would never consider parking on the grass in a public park.

Finally, the traveller encampment mentioned in the previous letter was brought to an end after two days by the police using their powers under S61 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act following a request from the council.

Councillor Pete West, Chair, Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Brighton & Hove City Council