STYLIST Janine Quinn owns Sassy Style in Hove and has a huge passion for fashion. After recently returning from the living in the United States, Janine takes inspiration from her travels abroad in the way she styles her clients. Here, she tells Women Actually why we should all have a good wardrobe clear-out.

I LOVE the phrase ‘detoxing your wardrobe’: it makes you imagine it all cleared out and ready to go!

Well, that’s exactly what happens. So many women look in their wardrobe and have no idea what they have.

They have blinkers on as they only see what they want to see.

That is why a detox is good - getting someone else to look. And not just anyone. Having a style coach look at it means that you know what to wear for your body shape.

With so little time on your hands, you need to be able to look in your wardrobe and easily choose great things to wear, things that are flattering, comfortable and make you feel great.

It really can be that easy. No more days of feeling drab or fat.

It’s a partnership, working together seeing what you love but getting expert help so that you know what works.

Most women buy clothes because they love the look of them, rather than having any idea what it will go with or if it’s right for their body shape. Sadly, these items are often unworn.

And so many women have their clothes all stuffed into a wardrobe and can never find anything.

During the process of a wardrobe detox, you are shown how to put things together to suit your body shape and lifestyle.

This is also a great thing to have done when planning your winter wardrobe or, indeed, a holiday so you know what to pack and what to buy.

The idea is to salvage your items and make them work for you: you will learn how to put different outfits together with ease, understand what clothes you like to wear and what’s practical with your lifestyle, and what fits and looks flattering.

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