The body of a dead porpoise was discovered lying in an alleyway.

The grim discovery was made on Saturday in Pilgrims Walk, Worthing, the same week as another porpoise body was found on Seaford beach.

Tim Allen, 31, of Pilgrims Walk, said his neighbour knocked on his door and said there was something he needed to see.

He said: “I was confused. It’s a weird place to dump a porpoise body. We found it at 5.30pm and the RSPCA came and covered it in a wrap at 6.15pm.

“The council or someone came and took it the next morning. It was very surreal.”

Mr Allen posted pictures on Facebook.

The RSPCA said the porpoise was the same animal washed up on Worthing beach the same day that had died from natural causes.

A spokeswoman said: “We believe the dead body was later transported inland. We assisted the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) with their enquiries.”

The BDMLR said the creature’s body was sent to London Zoo for an autopsy.

It said: “It could have been stranded after becoming sick or by bad weather. It seems like someone thought it would be a good Halloween prank to carry it inland but they probably realised they were getting smelly and dumped it. That’s what alcohol does to you I guess.”

Late last month, a different porpoise was washed up on Seaford beach.

Wildlife experts added that the sight of dead porpoises along Britain’s coasts were “not uncommon”.