IT is good news to learn that there are fewer children in Brighton and Hove and across Sussex who are obese.

It shows the message about healthy eating and active lifestyles is beginning to get through, although there is still a long way to go.

Obesity and its subsequent health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, strokes and cancer, costs the NHS in Sussex millions every year.

As well as the financial benefits, there are also the practical benefits in terms of people’s lifestyles and wellbeing when they manage to keep to a healthy weight.

The idea is to get children to think about what they are eating and to be aware of the importance of being active from an early age.

This in turn can help them build up a good foundation of behaviours as they grow up and avoid stacking up potential health problems in the future.

Health and council bosses in the city have a wide range of services available that are aimed at helping not only children, but the rest of their families as well.

It is hoped people will take advantage of these schemes and the number of obese youngsters in the city continues to fall.