A YOUNGSTER who died of cancer is being immortalised by a charity single which he helped write in the weeks leading up to his death.

Jonny Walker, 21, a former student at Brighton Institute of Modern Music, lost his battle with bowel cancer in October when he was in the middle of helping to write the song Small Changes, Change Lives.

His father Mac, 67, helped finish the song and now it is set for release tomorrow with hopes for it to be carried to the top of the charts for Christmas.

The final recording of the song also features the vocals of X-Factor star Jonjo Kerr, supported by the members of the Military Wives Choir and other boys’ choirs and musicians from across the country.

Jonny’s parents and friends also feature on the track.

Mr Walker, from East Preston, near Littlehampton, said: “Since he was 11 he had been playing and he grew up with music – it was his whole life really.

“My wife and I went up to all the sessions and Jonny was working on the song even when he was going through very bad chemo.”

Jonny was diagnosed with cancer when he was only 19 and, after going through treatment, the illness came back this summer.

He never got to hear the finished product but his vocal recording from the original demo features on the track accompanied by his father on guitar.

The track is now being released by The Friday Foundation, which is raising money for the charities Bowel Cancer UK, the British Heart Foundation, Diabetes UK and Mind.

Jonny was asked to write the song by school friend Vicky Balsdon, daughter of family friend John Balsdon, who works with The Friday Foundation.

Mr Balsdon said: “Jonny was incredibly keen to do it and he was very open with the fact he did not have much time left.

“The whole reason to be doing any of this is to raise money for these good causes and the more we can raise the better.

“If we could get up into the charts it would be fantastic and number one would be marvellous.”

To order a copy of the single, go to itunes.apple.com/gb/album/small-change-change-lives/id944193845

To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/fridayfoundation