THE city’s council leader has endorsed an idea for a Brighton and Hove Twitter account run by residents.

If successful, followers of the account will get an idea of a week in the life of an individual in the city.

Brighton and Hove City Council leader Jason Kitcat would love to see the idea materialise.

The idea stemmed from blogger Jonny Nexus, who had been keeping a keen eye on similar accounts in Ireland and Sweden, where residents control official accounts for a week before handing it over to someone else.

Coun Kitca said: “It sounds like a great idea and I really hope it goes ahead.

“I think it would be great if an independent person or association would be able to organise it and take the responsibility of running the account.

“It shouldn’t take too much time or managing, so hopefully someone will be able to come forward.

“With the council facing more cuts, I wouldn’t want to volunteer us to be taking on another thing, but I’d definitely support it.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on the Sweden and Ireland accounts, and what they’ve been doing is great.

“Brighton and Hove is an international city, it’s the top seaside resort in the country and we need to get our name out there – this is a great opportunity to do just that.”

Mr Nexus, 44, of Queensbury Mews in Brighton, picked up on the idea from the @ireland and @sweden accounts, which have had everyone from teenagers to porn stars in control.

He said: “I’m really enjoying reading them both and it got me thinking, wouldn’t it be really cool if Brighton had such an account?

“Not only is it a vibrant city with a bucket load of culture and a strong and alternative identity, it’s got a pretty healthy tech scene to boot.

“I’d love to see other people’s views of my adopted home, to get an insight into the other lives going on around me.

“I’ve only got the one life to live in Brighton, but it would be great to see how other people are living theirs.

“I think it would be interesting and informative, educational and entertaining.”

If you are interested in running or contributing to the twitter account, email