THE number of people with dementia in Brighton and Hove is expected to rise by more than 1,000 in the next 15 years.

The figure emerged in a report to the city council assessing people’s health needs now and in the future.

There are currently about 2,849 people aged 65 and over in Brighton and Hove who have dementia but this is expected to reach 3,892 by 2030.

The rise in cases is partly down to the population in general living longer than it used to because of medical advancements.

However the actual number is believed to be much higher than this because only a third of sufferers receive a formal diagnosis or have contact with specialist services.

The report, made to the council’s health and wellbeing committee, said: “Dementia should be diagnosed early and well so that people with dementia and their carers can receive treatment, care and support to enable them to live as well as possible with dementia.

“Explanations put forward for under diagnosis include the stigma associated with dementia which prevents people from going to their GP about memory loss as well as dementia being considering by some people, including GPs, as a normal part of ageing.

“Lack of diagnosis is a key factor that prevents people seeking the treatment they need and gaining support during the early stages.”

The report said 10% of deaths in men over 65 and 15% in women are linked to dementia.

“Patients with the condition often end up staying longer in hospital.”

Dementia is a priority for the city and the council, the clinical commissioning group and other NHS organisations and charities have been working to improve support for patients and carers and increase early diagnosis rates.

Progress made includes the introduction of a memory assessment service and securing Department of Health funding to make NHS buildings, community services and care homes more dementia friendly.

The Alzheimer’s Society also runs dementia cafés and provides a carer information and support programme, a home support respite service and a carers support group.

A dementia champion and special dementia nurse posts have been established to provide extra help for patients at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.