David Neighbour of Lewes District Council (LDC) advocates the use of Sheepcote Valley for the purpose of building a stadium for Brighton and Hove Albion (Letters, January 10).

I thought only a council planning officer would consider building a stadium at a site which has very poor road links, no railway station and is on top of an old landfill site.

I'm not a civil engineer but even I know the basis of any structure is solid foundations, which of course means digging out tonnes of rotting refuse to get to a solid base.

This poses the problem of disposal of the landfill, but here I can help you, Coun Neighbour. I know where there is a nice muddy field next to the A27 at Falmer.

You keep going back to the argument about the inspector of the first inquiry and his findings. I don't know if you noticed but since then there has been another inquiry with a different result.

At least in Brighton there was an open referendum, in which an overwhelming majority voted in favour. Did LDC have one in Lewes, Newhaven and so forth to ask your council taxpayers if they wanted their money spent on opposing the Falmer stadium?

After all, it's their money, not yours to spend on whatever little whim takes your fancy.

Roy Scarborough
Station Road, Hailsham