January is firmly established as the month for ice skating at the Brighton Centre. This year, the seventh Get Your Skates On! event launched two great weeks of public ice skating.

The ice rink was bigger than ever before, which was a triumph for the Brighton Centre's management team and staff, as well as the thousands of skaters who made the event a success for the city.

Then there were two weeks of the stunning ice skating spectacular Holiday on Ice. The artistry on display was of a dazzling standard.

Sadly, ice skating in Brighton is presently reserved for only the first month of the year.

For more than a decade, Keep Sussex Skating has campaigned for the reawakening of the area's ice skating heritage. Last month's events represent a strong launch pad for the return of ice skating to our city.

Now all we need is the new Olympic-sized ice arena complex at Brighton's Black Rock to house daily public ice skating. Come on Brighton and Hove City Council, please get your enterprising skates on.

Patricia Ginman
Keep Sussex Skating,
Varndean Road, Brighton