A mum is so determined to see drama thrive at her daughter's school that she has set about raising £250,000 to pay for a new theatre development.

Julie Bateman has given herself a year to raise the money for Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee School in Comptons Lane, Horsham, and is confident she will reach the target.

Mrs Bateman, of Pound Lane in Shipley, near Horsham, said: "I am determined to get the school the facilities they need by the time they stage their next major production in 2008."

She has persuaded local businesses to donate £20,000 already and is planning a series of spectacular fund-raising events to push the total upwards.

Mrs Bateman was inspired to take on the challenge after watching a drama performance at the school, which educates 51 special needs pupils aged between two to 19. Mrs Bateman's own daughter Ella, five, has a rare neurological condition called Sturge Weber Syndrome.

She said: "Our lives changed when Ella started attending the school. It gave us direction, order and, most of all, hope that our little girl could have a bright and happy future.

"Last year's production was exceptional and, when a lovely young girl with profound disabilities came onto the stage and sang, it was incredibly moving.

Her body may not have been able to perform as it should but her voice was sweet and strong and her smile said it all.

I knew then that I wanted to do something special for this wonderful school."

QEII head teacher Lesley Dyer explained that the money would be used to double the size of the current drama studio.

She said: "It is a joy to watch our pupils build their confidence, self esteem and ability to communicate through performing.

"The benefits offered to our children by involvement in drama are immense but it needs better facilities to continue its pioneering work. We are committed to teaching our pupils new skills through creative arts.

"To help us continue to develop our work in creative arts, we want to double the size of our studio to create separate drama and indoor PE facilities.

"We want the two studios to be linked to enable larger audiences to attend our school productions, which are so popular with our parents and the local community.

"Separate sport and drama facilities will help us provide safer and better environments for both activities. We would also make these facilities available for community use so everyone in the area could benefit."

Anyone interested in supporting Mrs Bateman's appeal should contact the school on 01403 266215.