A DOCTOR’S surgery which is due to close next month could be replaced.

Eaton Place Surgery, in Eaton Place, Brighton, will close on February 28 when the partners retire.

However, Penny Thompson, the chief executive of Brighton and Hove City Council, has hinted that health bosses are discussing options to replace the surgery.

NHS England is expected to make an announcement in the coming days. Last year the surgery’s 5,600 patients were told it would not be replaced and that they would have to find another GP.

Many said they had been turned away from some of the 15 nearby alternatives, because their books are full. Ms Thompson, in an email to Nancy Platts, Labour parliamentary candidate for Brighton Kemptown, said: “A meeting was held and there have been ongoing discussions between the CCG, NHS England, the Eaton Place Surgery doctors and neighbouring doctors too. These are still not finalised and a number of options are on the table which could include a future branch surgery of a different practice at the current practice premises or nearby.”

A local authority spokesman added: “The council is being as helpful and supportive as it can on this issue and our chief executive is using her role positively as civic leader.”

Ray Norman, 67, of Arundel Road, Brighton, has tried at least three recommended alternative GPs. He said: “They have all told me they are full.

“I now have to consider one much further away and it will take me two buses to get there.

“It is harder for people who do not have a car or cannot drive. I am luckily able to take the bus but this does not solve the problem for the rest of the community.

“We are a little crowd of people who have been left out of the system.

“I cannot believe the situation.

“There has been no forward planning. Having a locum doctor at the site would solve the problem.”

Ms Platts welcomed the news describing it as “glimmer of hope” for patients but said the timeline for the decision is tight.

She said: “We still have thousands of people looking for a new GP but we could be in a situation where thousands of patients reregister only to find that they could have stayed where they are.”

Brighton Kemptown MP Simon Kirby has also called for the surgery to remain open.

A spokesperson from NHS England (Surrey and Sussex) said: “NHS England’s priority is to ensure that all patients have continuing access to GP services following the closure of Eaton Place Surgery on 28th February, due to the retirement of the two GPs who run the practice. We are working with staff from Eaton Place Surgery to support all  patients to ensure they re-register with another local practice as soon as possible.

"We are aware of the pressures some other practices are facing, and we are supporting them in managing their increased lists of registered patients. NHS England will consider any proposals from practices to open branch surgeries and has robust processes in place to ensure all aspects are adequately considered, including the complex legal process working with premises landlords.

"There are 13 practices within less than two miles of Eaton Place that are able to register more  patients and 52 practices in the city, including branch surgeries. We are confident that all patients will be able to smoothly transfer to a new GP practice before 28th February.”