ROADWORKS due to finish three months ago have led to businesses “literally facing closure”.

The £1.5 million works on Edward Street were extended in November after the council failed to take into account work at the junction with Pavilion Parade.

Despite a revised finish date of January 31, Brighton and Hove City Council could not confirm when the work would be complete yesterday.

The disruption has caused heavy congestion and tailbacks in the city centre.

John Easterby, 53, owner of the Verdict Jazz Club said: “I have not been able to pay my rent this month.

“I have lost half of my customers. There have been times that it has felt like a deliberate attempt to bring me to my knees. I have written to the people responsible and if I do not hear from them within ten days. I am going to look at taking legal action.”

The work started in November 2013 and was meant to finish a year later.

Mr Easterby said the work was under-resourced and it was an “embarrassment” it had taken more than a year to complete. He added: “The noise and environment pollution has been unbelievable at points.

“We took decibel readings which were light years above the legal limits.”

Other businesses in the area have also been affected.

Sam Lambourne, 66, manager at The Jog Shop in George Street said: “There is a lot they could do to help us financially but they won’t.”

He said the sales of his shop had fallen a quarter in the last year due to the road works.

Ximena Rodriguis, 28, a barista at Frankie Vaughan in Edward Street said: “We are not struggling as much as others but we have definitely noticed that the shop is quieter.”

The council said it could not contact the engineers carrying out the work as The Argus went to press last night.

Updated information about road works can be found at