IT seems NHS services across Sussex are very slowly returning to normal following an unprecedented surge in demand.

But there will be no let up for the hospitals, ambulance service, community trusts and councils which will need to ensure there is no repeat.

It is difficult to pinpoint why the problems developed, but a major issue is the high number of patients ready to be discharged but with nowhere suitable to go when they leave hospital.

This has a knock-on effect on A&E where patients find themselves waiting for hours for a bed to become available.

People can help by not going to A&E unless it is an emergency but it is equally important services are in place and easily accessible.

Hospitals must do what they can to ensure a patient is seen, treated and admitted or discharged within a reasonable time, but they need support to ensure patients can be discharged at the right time.

Usually it is elderly and vulnerable patients who need extra care and support so Brighton and Hove should be commended for developing a new approach – but this needs to be implemented as quickly as possible.

It is clear improvements are being made but it will only take a long cold snap and a rise in flu cases to put the pressure back on.