AN ACCLAIMED author and cartoonist officially opened a school library.

Chris Riddell donated a selection of his children’s books Dreams of Freedom and Gulliver and drew with pupils during his visit to Firle School on Thursday.

Mr Riddell, who studied at the University of Brighton, draws satire for The Observer and conjures up children’s book characters in a garden shed in his Preston Park home.

One of his latest books is Goth Girl and the Pirate Queen and he is best known for fantasy series The Edge Chronicles, and Barnaby Grimes.

Head teacher Annie Noble, who joined the school in September, said an ICT suite was converted to make room for the library.

She said: “We have mobile computers now. Reading is so important and fostering that love of books helps with development so it was one of the first things we worked on.

“The children were involved with the designs and creating the library but we kept the opening as a surprise. They were so excited to see the finished room and were thrilled to have Chris there.”

Artist Mark Hooley helped to decorate the library and painted a Riddell character Ottoline on one of the walls.