I am writing in response to the article on the Council's spend of £850,000 on propaganda (The Argus, January 9).

I have been shocked and outraged at how Brighton and Hove City Council has dealt with the stock transfer issue which seems to be entirely undemocratic.

As the article highlights the council has spent vast sums of money on "consultation" - I understood the word meant to ask someone what they think.

In this case, it meant brochures and DVDs with pictures of glossy flats under Housing Associations. The council has been effectively paying people to canvas for them on this issue by using employees' time to knock on people's doors telling them about the benefits of the stock transfer.

The Green Party has campaigned against the stock transfer and spoken to council residents who are angry about the way this is being handled.

We do not feel the door knocking is presenting a balanced argument, rather that our council tax is being used to pay for advertising the Housing Association.

Tenants would much prefer the money being spent on brochures and DVDs would have been spent on much more simple, cheap and necessary improvements, such as mending lights, lifts and improving security and insulation.

Rachel Fryer
prospective Green Party councillor,
Egremont Place, Brighton