I was sad to hear of the 100th combat death of a British soldier in Iraq, Second Lieutenant Jonathan Carlos Bracho-Cooke, a young man from Hove (The Argus, February 7).

This was one of a list of killings in Iraq that pour on to the pages and screens of the media day after day.

Opposite Lt Bracho-Cooke's report in the paper came news of the anguish of another dead soldier's widow, who had been denied access to a video which showed how trigger-happy US pilots had blasted her husband in a "friendly fire" incident.

Tens if not hundreds of thousands have been killed in this disastrous war, the majority ordinary Iraqis.

And for what? An illusory freedom based on a pack of lies about WMDs and terrorist threats and a sham democracy which pits Shia against Sunni against Kurd.

The vast majority have had enough. We can see clearly now the war was really about US power and oil profits. We want an end to the carnage, we want the troops withdrawn.

Isn't it disgraceful that, after four years, the last remaining place in the UK with a pro-war majority is our "representative"

body, Parliament? With a few honourable exceptions, those fawning MPs continue to let Blair and his warmongering pals off the hook.

So, we now ask Lt Bracho-Cooke's MP Celia Barlow and the Brighton Labour MPs why won't they call for British troops to be brought home now?

What are they doing to bring an end to this nightmare? They have a duty to respond.

Manus McGrogan,
Sussex Action for Peace,
Second Avenue, Hove