I am unable to understand why it is necessary to close schools because we have a couple of inches of snow (The Argus, February 9).

Unless the heating system has broken down or such other emergencies arise, education should continue.

Parents and children should allow longer for their journeys.

I understand the concern of school staff regarding playground accidents but children should be allowed out at break time and told they should be sensible.

Anyone seen to be acting irresponsibly should then be sent inside.

Closing schools disrupts routine and interferes with childcare if parents have to make alternative arrangements at short notice.

Do the school staff think children who are given the day off will be safer at home? Do the children stay doors on their days off? I think not.

They are out playing, throwing snowballs and sledging. It is normal for children to do these things - and they mostly do them unsupervised.

We are becoming a namby pamby nation. Snow isn't a new thing and we should learn to deal with it.

My daughter lives in Illinois and winters there are snowy and extremely cold. This winter, there has only been one day when the children did not go to school and that was when the temperature was minus 29C.

Although the school buses could do the rounds as the roads are always cleared, schools decided the temperature and added wind chill factor made it unsafe for children to be outside.

Wendy Ford
Hall Close,