Two mountain bikers are gearing up for a challenge of a lifetime as they prepare to cycle the Alps for charity.

Chris Taylor, 36, from Hanover, Brighton, and Oz Merlo, 36, from Roundhill, Brighton will be cycling through Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, competing against 550 teams of riders ranging from amateurs like themselves to international professionals.

The Jeantex Bike Transalp Challenge takes place between July 14 and 21 and both men are busy training and raising money for the race.

They will cycle 600km off road while they climb 19,500 metres over eight days to raise money for the Parkinson's Disease Society and St Martlets Hospice in Hove.

They came up with the idea after a planned mountain bike challenge to cover the North and South Downs did not go ahead last year because of the death of Chris's father from Parkinson's.

After a decision to up the ante and take part in the Alps challenge, Mr Taylor, who works at Argyll Environmental, decided to raise funds for the Parkinson's Disease Society in memory of his father while American Express employee Mr Merlo chose St Martlets Hospice in memory of his mother who died of cancer.

Mr Taylor said: "We're both really looking forward to mountain biking through the Alps and the added motivation of riding for charity is a real boost.

"The most daunting bit is the fundraising. Trying to get sponsorship and donations is going to be the biggest challenge of all. We have a kit list as long as my arm and need everything from widgets to a camper van.

"Any and all donations will be very gratefully received and absolutely everything we get will go to charity as all kit and non-cash donations will be auctioned off after the event, except our smelly kit."

The pair have known each other for the last seven years and plan to raise £5,000 between them.

Mr Taylor said: "We came up with the idea in a night in the pub. Somebody suggested the Alps as a joke instead of the Downs and in a foolish moment we took him up on the challenge and he has held us to it.

"He's pushing us and giving us support and after a drunken moment of madness we can't back down."

Mr Merlo said: "It's a strange mixture of excitement and nerves with what we have got ourselves into. It's like a professional race."

Anybody wishing to sponsor them can do so at