Supporters of a "War on Terror" prisoner detained in Guantanamo Bay have created a beach sculpture to make sure he is not forgotten.

About 15 people spent two hours using piles of pebbles on Brighton beach to create the number 727, which has been issued to Omar Deghayes, a resident of the city who has been held captive in the US-run jail. The sculpture was made with 1,740 stones - one to mark every day Omar has spent in captivity.

A spokesman for Save Omar, the campaign group attempting to free him, said: "Like all good landscape art, we will respect the environment so no stones will be removed from the beach.

"In turn, we ask people walking on the beach to respect our sculpture and, if they wish, to add a stone a day so that the sculpture becomes a way of marking the time that Omar has lost in Guantanamo."

Mr Deghayes, a former student, from Saltdean, was arrested in Pakistan in 2002 on terror charges but has never faced trial. As a child he fled his native Libya for Britain as a refugee.

The British Government has refused to intervene in his plight because he has never been formally granted British citizenship.