Once again our illustrious Brighton and Hove City Council surprises us with its inconsistency.

I refer to The Argus of February 15 ("TucTuc signs are too ugly") regarding the application of TucTuc Ltd for stop signs to be placed on lamp posts along King's Road and Marine Parade.

The council stated that "the signs are considered to harm the ornate appearance and historical character of the listed structure by reason of their poor design, detailing and crude method of attachment".

From the picture in your article it would seem that the "crude method of attachment" is identical to that of Brighton and Hove Bus Company.

This raises the question: does the council have it in for TucTuc Ltd? Because it would appear to be putting just another obstacle in its way.

If the council is so concerned about the "ornate appearance and historical character" of the seafront, then perhaps it should do something about the appalling state of the seafront in general, like the shelters, the bandstand to the west of the remains of the West Pier, rusty railings, graffiti and the general debris that blights Brighton and Hove seafront.

This seems a somewhat pedantic stance against a company that appears to be doing something for the city.

Paul Johnston
Middleton Avenue,