We read with interest the review of Brigid Chapman's book The Village Signs of Sussex (Weekend, February 10).

We have been photographing village signs for more than 20 years and have approximately 2,000 photographs, including 176 of Sussex signs - from Barnham in the west to Pyecombe near Brighton to Penhurst in the east.

Sign hunting is an interesting and addictive hobby whereby one can learn much of the history of the countryside and visit beautiful villages otherwise never seen.

Not all signs are displayed on posts - some are on stones or fixed to walls. The nationwide interest in village signs is such that in 1999 the Village Sign Society was formed so that enthusiasts can keep in touch with each other. An annual meeting gives us the opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts, swap photos and enjoy various presentations and slides.

Members receive a regular magazine and have access to a comprehensive database of all known village and town signs - more than 2,500 at present.

A photographic database of village signs has also been set up.

Members pay an annual subscription of £6 per person or couple sharing one magazine.

Anyone interested can apply for membership by writing to: Village Sign Society, 2 The Hazels, Wilpshire, Near Blackburn, Lancs BB1 9HZ. For further information visit www.villagesignsociety.org.uk

Ron and Edna Fowler
Carden Hill,