I have spent some time studying the proposals for The Lanes redevelopment as displayed in the windows of the ex-Cargo store in North Street.

It seems quite obvious that without the new lane proposed to be driven through the site of the current building at 15 North Street – presently occupied by Timpsons – the whole scheme will be reduced to a half-hearted fudge. I appreciate that there are those in Brighton who consistently rail against any form of forward progress for the city but, perhaps, on this occasion their (doubtless minority) voices could go unheeded. I also appreciate that, for some unfathomable reason, the building at 15 North Street has been listed but one only has to look at it to see that it has no artistic merit and that it actually stands out like a sore thumb, being at a different height to the buildings on either side and appearing to have been plonked there as an afterthought. With no disrespect to Timpsons, who I’m sure could be persuaded to relocate, let's bulldoze it without delay and get on with the scheme as quickly as possible. And for those dwellers in the past, there will be the opportunity to reveal Puget’s Cottage once again, a building far more meritworthy and attractive than number 15.

David J Cole

Queen’s Park Road, Brighton