The search is on to find the region’s animal hero - and the winner will receive bumper membership to one of Sussex's top veterinary clinics.

Heath Veterinary Clinic in Burgess Hill is looking for extra-special pets across the region who have done something brave that’s worthy of recognition.

The clinic is inviting members of the Burgess Hill community to nominate an animal who fits the bill. They could have been courageous for their family, been through tough times but survived or helped its owner through a difficult time in their life.

Shortlisted entries will be put to the public vote via social media. The pet with the most votes will win.  The winning pet will receive a free one year VIP (Very Important Pet) membership courtesy of Heath Vets, saving the owner up to £183 in vaccinations, flea treatments and health checks.

In addition, the winner will become one of Heath Vets’ official pets, and will have their photo proudly included in the logo banner for Heath Vets on its website, social media platforms and all posters and leaflets.

To nominate a heroic pet, send the pet’s and owner’s name, with a picture of the pet and contact details, plus up to 100 words explaining why it deserves to win, to or Charlotte Leng, C/o PMW Communications, Stane Court, Stane Street, Billingshurst, RH14 9HP by the deadline of Friday, April 24.