Canadian choreographer Sylvain Émard discusses Fragments Volume 1 in these quick-fire answers:

What’s your show about?

This show is about the notion of urgency. Each short piece has a different approach to it since it was made to measure for each performer.

Why should someone come and see your show?

Being the choreographer, I am not very objective but what I am sure of is the high quality of the dancers. Since its creation in 2010, I have always been moved and impressed by them. They are all unique and captivating.

What is your motivation for putting this on?

My first motivation was to get back to a form I had neglected for many years. I felt an irrepressible need to do this. I also wanted to explore different ways to address the subject of urgency through different dancers and see what would come out.

What does Brighton Festival mean to you? Do you have a favourite Festival moment?

I am very excited to be presenting this piece for Brighton Festival. It is our first time here so really looking forward to it.

Would grandma and the kids enjoy your show or is it for a special audience?

We have been presenting this show in front of different audiences and no matter their age and despite the seriousness of the subject they are always captivated.