Are we educating the next generation of Nimbys at the University of Sussex or are they training to be Lewes District Council officers (The Argus, March 21)?

One could not be blamed for thinking this in view of the student union there deciding it is going to oppose the new community stadium at Falmer at this late stage.

It seems a total of 40 students have taken this decision without consulting the thousands of students attending the university they are supposed to represent. Does this not sound familiar?

Lewes District Council officers have ignored the wishes of their electorate and have taken it upon themselves to spend thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money without consulting them first.

If I were a student at the University of Sussex, or planning to be at some time in the future, I would be looking forward to having state-of-the-art facilities on my doorstep which would include sporting, educational and community amenities.

Anyone who has attended a stadium event recently will have noticed the vast majority of event-day staff is made up of the younger generation.

There will be hundreds of casual jobs on event days at the many food, programme and merchandise outlets.

All these jobs will be on the doorstep of the students at the university.

Can I assume the same student union will be campaigning for the closure of the university and transfer to a campus outside of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty?

  • Steve Saunders, Foxhill, Peacehaven