The redevelopment of Sussex County Cricket Club's ground is set to spark a mass exodus of locals from the area.

Residents living in homes that will be overshadowed by the construction of a six-storey block at the site say they are ready to pack their bags and move away.

And they fear if they do not go now, the value of their homes could plummet as the shadows from the structure lengthen over their land.

People in Wilbury Road and Eaton Road in Hove claim one of the main reasons for buying their homes was the outlook onto Sussex CCC's ground behind them.

But after the go-ahead was given on Wednesday for a new complex of flats, shops and offices at the historic ground, locals will instead be covered by shadow and are left facing concrete.

Brighton and Hove City Councillors defied the advice of their officers to give the thumbs-up to a complete overhaul of the southern side of the ground.

The club had said if it was not allowed to build the two new stands, landscaped entrance, club shop, offices and nine flats it might have to look for a new home outside of the city.

Those living near the ground accuse the club of "throwing all its toys out of the pram" and say it was a disgrace that such a huge building had been allowed to overshadow so many homes.

Leo Newgent said the soon-to-be-lost clear views of the pitch from his balcony attracted him to buy his flat just six months ago.

The 31-year-old pilot said: "I felt the council has showed the utmost contempt to the valid concerns of loss of privacy and light expressed by the planning officer.

"I support Sussex County Cricket Club and love the Sussex game but this plan is not the panacea that has been presented by the manager of the club and the council.

"It is a sham. It does not even involve additional sporting facilities or an extension of the pitch - just commercial developments.

"It will completely overshadow some of the houses here and affect our property prices."

Ted Bailey, 85, the chairman of the Residents' Association at Wilbury Lodge which wrote several letters of objection to the plans, said many of his neighbours were now talking about selling up and moving away.

Mr Bailey said: "I am very disappointed to be losing the view we have had for 20 years. Looking at concrete flats won't be the same and some of the other flats will lose all of their light.

"Who knows what will happen to the property prices. Lots of people who live here are over 60 and rely on their homes as an investment."

Joan Watkinson, 82, also of Wilbury Lodge, said: "I would rather see a cricket ground there than a supermarket or big housing estate.

"But I am concerned about the effects on traffic around here and parking. It could completely destroy the peace of the area."

Jeffrey Gordon, of the Ashdown block of flats on the other side of the ground, said: "I can't believe we are going to lose such a wonderful view. It is all a money-making scheme I am sure."

What do you think? Would you move away from the ground if the plans put your home in the shade? Add your comments below.