Why does Brighton and Hove City Council find it acceptable for visitors to take more than an hour to get out of the car parks around Churchill Square?

And then another hour or more to get out of Brighton along the A23. I have witnessed this happen regularly at weekends for several years.

I have read the local transport plan (LTP) but it makes no mention of tackling the problem of traffic congestion from the point of view of getting tourists into and out of the city. There is mention of car parks but not the design of traffic flow to go with them.

The deliberate policy to reduce the A23 in the city to single-lane "pinch points" seems unlikely to help.

The roundabout in front of the Palace Pier is another point of convergence. Why not use the space of the area better, including the under-used bus areas, to spread the convergence out and ease the traffic flow?

The LTP doesn't seem joined up with the efforts of the city to attract tourists. Who approved it?

  • Patrick Wilson, Sussex Heights, Brighton