The answer to Louse Purbrick's question (Letters, April 4) as to why Omar Deghayes has not yet been released from Guantanomo Bay is that Deghayes is not a British resident.

He spent a year in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he allegedly married and had a child before being picked up by bounty hunters.

That year out of Britain disqualifies him from his British residency and was mentioned in an Argus article last year.

Ms Purbrick also refers to the "return of Omar". Return where?

His home is now in Pakistan with his wife and child.

If he comes back to England, the Spanish authorities will immediately apply for his extradition to Spain, where he is required for questioning in connection with the Madrid bombings, a fact also mentioned in The Argus last year.

And do not forget he has twice refused to have a British passport as he wants to return to Libya.

I imagine his wife is applying to Guantanamo for Omar to join his family in Pakistan.

  • R Metson, Chestnut Way, Henfield