I write to draw your attention to the disgusting state of neglect the recycling site in Saltdean Park Road, Saltdean, has been in since it was established about four years ago.

When first set up by Brighton and Hove City Council, it was fenced in on two sides, with a hedge on the roadside. The ground was tarmacked and yellow lines painted on the road. I have no idea what the lines were for.

In the intervening years, the fence was smashed down on one side by a reversing lorry and on the other side by high winds early in 2006. The broken fence lay untouched for a year.

The hedge is now 12ft high, about 8ft thick and is full of rubbish.

During the past three years, the site has become a fly-tipper's paradise, with every imaginable piece of household and industrial rubbish being dumped there on a regular basis.

This always occurs at night and obviously by lorry as there is so much of it. The hedge acts as a screen which obscures all the fly-tipping.

In April 2006, I wrote to the then Mayor. He passed my letter to the appropriate department. Correspondence with that department went on for two or three months.

Promises of investigation were made and I suggested the main fault lay with the high hedge and lack of notices saying "no flytipping - recycling only".

In short, the local authority's response was to do nothing at all. Fly-tipping goes on, with ever-increasing deposits.

Local residents are so fed up with the council ignoring the site there is talk of withholding a proportion of council tax.

  • Peter Gidley, Greenbank Avenue, Saltdean