It's not often you see a superhero wearing trainers, sweatband and a pedometer.

But the athletes pounding along Hove seafront yesterday appeared to have run straight out of the pages of a comic book.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, SuperTed and numerous Spidermans, Supermans and Wonder Women were among the participants in a charity fun run in aid of city charity PassingItOn.

More than 200 people turned out for the third annual Superheroes 10km Challenge, eschewing their superhuman powers to complete the race at a normal human pace.

Passers-by were astonished to see the bizarre runners speeding between the Peace Statue and Hove Lagoon.

DJ Norman Cook was among the more sober-looking competitors, dressed in a civilian superhero uniform of bright yellow shorts and a plain shirt.

Amy Wicks and her mother Jacky, commercial manager at Brighton Rugby Club, wore matching Wonder Woman outfits they made themselves.

Amy said: "We hoped it might make us run faster."

Artist Matt Lambert, 25, one of the event's organisers, said participants had made a fantastic effort.

He said: "The children especially love it. They think they're actually watching real superheroes running up and down.

"It was a great day. There was a lot of laughter and that's what it's all about really - having fun and making people happy."

Afterwards the superheroes were presented with a medal and a free sports massage, and were invited to join an after-run party at Nivea Sun Yellowave beach sports venue on Madeira Drive, Brighton.

The event was organised by a group of friends including 30-year-old James "Batman" Macdonald, Deborah "Dangermouse" Simpson of Forward PR, 25-year-old estate agent Hannah Lawson-Foster, Louise Ashwell of Worth Media and Jasper McIntosh of Stripe Digital.

They hope to raise as much as £8,000 through entry fees and sponsorship collected by the runners, which will help fund the work of PassingItOn.

The community charity was set up three years ago and in that time more than £60,000 has been raised for Tenderfoot Self Help School in Kenya which helps children in difficult circumstances.

The money has funded the building of four new primary school classrooms and provided materials such as clothes, paper and pencils.

Those involved in the charity have embarked on an array of weird and wacky capers to raise money, such as carrying the weight of a classroom around Hove Lawns.

The money raised on Saturday will go towards the charity's next project - the construction of a secondary school. Closer to home, they are also trying to raise money for a new multi-sports pitch at Manor Road Gym in Whitehawk, which could be used by the whole community.

If you would like to make a donation visit or visit their website

There is a video report of the event on our website.