In response to the letter from James Brett, landlord of the Caxton Arms (The Argus, April 24). The majority of residents in North Gardens purchased their properties because the road is in a conservation area and has a community feel.

The previous proprieter of The Caxton lived here for 20 plus years and was part of the community, so when the new licensing laws came in he opened the Caxton only until 12 o'clock on Friday and Saturdays, as he had respect for the residents.

Now the pub has been taken over by the Shepherd Neame brewery, it obviously wants to implement the later licence time of 1.30am and combine this with live music, disco, karaoke and film. The brewery owners do not live in our road or even in Brighton and their main aim is to make as much money as possible, regardless of the wishes of the 15-plus children and many senior citizens here.

Mr Brett implies that his entertainment licence will not be used very often, but that is because he has not got it yet. The drinking culture will be a disaster for this quiet and peaceful road, as it will bring with it noise, fighting and damage to property when our local pub becomes a late-night drinking venue.

Mr Brett says he has spoken to many of the residents and they do not seem to have any problems with his plans. I am, however, in this letter representing the majority of the residents and his opinion does not reflect their views.

  • Jane Howard, North Gardens Residents Committee