Regency Conservative candidates Michael Macfarlane and Robert Nemeth claim in their latest leaflet and website to offer "The Truth About Parking". It may be about parking but it's not the truth.

They state that they are the "only local candidates to actually do something".

In fact, as Brighton and Hove City Council had failed to inform large numbers of residents about the proposed parking changes, we and many of our neighbours produced and delivered leaflets all over the area informing people about them and how to object if they wished. We attended both environment cccommittee meetings at which the proposed changes were voted on.

Messrs Nemeth and Macfarlane failed to attend these meetings. If they had, they would have witnessed their own Conservative party voting with Labour to bring in these changes - which had previously been thrown out, and with good reason.

They go on to cast aspersions on other political parties: "Now the local Green Party candidates are also trying to make political capital from the sidelines of a difficult decision that their party dodged having to make." The Greens - to give them their due - voted against the planned changes on both occasions.

They also arrogantly claim to be "solely responsible" for the committee's rejection of the scheme the first time around - clearly disregarding the efforts of hundreds of residents who wrote in objecting and who organised and signed petitions.

  • Tony Davenport and Corinne Attwood candidates, Regency ward Brighton and Hove Independents