We have problems with the large numbers of students renting accommodation in my road.

Parties, while not frequent, often last until the early hours of the morning, with scant regard for those residents who have to get up for work.

The biggest problem, however, is rubbish.

Some students do recycle, but the majority do not, so they often have large numbers of black sacks out. More than a dozen is not unusual.

It also seems common that the bags are put out the night before, thus allowing all sorts of animals and birds to rip them open, creating a large and smelly mess.

I'm sure the universities do their best to educate these young people in the ways of living away from home, but unfortunately, for some, it seems to fall on deaf ears.

My family and I have lived in this road for more than 20 years, and it seems the problem has got worse.

There has been a marked decline in the whole area.

  • Shelia Rough, Milner Road, Brighton