It lifts the heart for a student to write in defence of his school and, better still, giving Ofsted a well-deserved telling off (Letters, May 2) It's clear, if Daniel Barnard is anything to go by, there's nothing much wrong with the English taught at the school.

Many an adult would be proud of such an articulate expression of views. Schools and teachers have enough on their plate, without having to bear the additional burden of public humiliation by this anti-educational organisation and the various governments which have set it up and continue to employ it.

Such methods have nothing to do with real education and everything to do with "putting on a show". These "experts" have so often been proved wrong, especially in the old days of the vicious "11 plus", which blighted so many lives and was based on lies or ignorance - or both.

You don't help learning by rubbing in "failure". According to his own admission, Einstein would have failed the "11 plus".

Just let the teachers get on with their stressful but rewarding job of helping all students to grow, especially those whom social or family conditions have rendered difficult to teach.

Three cheers for Daniel. My advice (after a lifetime's teaching) to him: stick to your guns, you're on the right path.

  • Len Goldman, Westfield Crescent, Brighton